Tom Jeltema
Tom Jeltema started as a lawyer in Eindhoven in 1993 and has since built up solid legal expertise. He advises and litigates in the field of administrative law, with an emphasis on environmental law and civil real estate law. His clientele is broad, but consists mainly of entrepreneurs. He also works for government agencies and private individuals.
His special affinity with entrepreneurs is evidenced by the fact that Tom has been chairman of the Veldhoven Entrepreneurs Contact (VOC) for over 10 years. In this capacity he also knows what is going on among entrepreneurs. Responding quickly to clients' questions is central to his practice. Practical solutions are central without losing sight of the legal playing field. If it comes to litigation, acting quickly and decisively is paramount.
Tom is a member of the Administrative Law Association (VAR) and also board member of 'Veldhoven Verbindt', the platform for all Veldhoven service clubs, network clubs and business associations.