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Rowan Rosens

Sworn in as a lawyer in 2016

Tel: 040-2944500 LinkedIn

Rowan Rosens graduated from Tilburg University in June 2016, where he completed a master's degree in Law with a focus on Private Law. During his studies, Rowan participated in various committees and completed several legal internships in both the legal profession and industry, including a (legal) internship at ASML. He also gained international experience by completing part of his master's degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.

Rowan joined TRC Advocaten immediately after finishing his studies. He currently practices in the corporate and employment law departments. Rowan manages a litigation and advisory practice in the area of corporate and business law (with a specialization in national and international mergers and acquisitions), (international) contract law, and employment law.

In 2023, Rowan completed the Grotius specialization program in National and International Contracting. This is the most comprehensive and complete post-academic program in the field of contract law.

In addition to his work at TRC Advocaten, Rowan holds a board position with the VOC (Veldhovens Ondernemers Contact) and is a member of 'de Ronde Tafel' in Veldhoven.

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Een proactieve ondernemingsraad: de (wettelijke) zorgtaken

Rowan Rosens

Rowan Rosens


Geheimhoudingsplicht leden Ondernemingsraad: wat houdt dat in?

Rowan Rosens

Rowan Rosens


Het scholingsrecht van de ondernemingsraad: wat zijn de spelregels?

Rowan Rosens

Rowan Rosens


De kracht van vertrouwelijkheid: het belang van NDA's bij overnametransacties

Rowan Rosens

Rowan Rosens
