TRC Advocaten 49 500Px

Geert Bosman

Sworn in as a lawyer in 2000

Tel: 06-51696208 LinkedIn

Geert Bosman was born and raised in Friesland. He specialized in liability/insurance law while studying Dutch Law at the University of Groningen. He graduated and was sworn in as a lawyer in 2000.

Nowadays, he conducts a civil practice within the sections Building and Real Estate Law and Business Law with accents on construction law, tenancy law and liability law from our office in Veldhoven.

Within liability law, he focuses on recovering damages caused by fraud, on behalf of administrative bodies, companies and individuals, for example in the case of insurance fraud, benefit fraud or embezzlement in employment.

Geert successfully completed the Business and Liability Specialization course at the Grotius Academy and is a member of the Liability Law Association.

Geert holds a board position within the Businessclub of soccer club UNA, is a former member of Ronde Tafel 166 Veldhoven and is a member of Lionsclub de Keersop.

TRC Advocaten 49 500Px


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